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Starting the bot

If you followed the installation guide section-by-section, you should now be able to run the bot for the first time. Before you start your bot, you must set your bot's token and application ID in the bot's environment variables. You can learn more about how to configure your bot's variables in Configuration > Environment Variables. Once you finished configuring your bot's variables, you can start the bot by running the following command:

npm run bot

Alternatively, you can also launch the bot by using the following command:

node index.js

Your bot should now be online and ready to use. Head over to the Commands section to see what the bot can really do. Enjoy!

Updating the bot

If a new version of the bot is release, run the following command to update the bot:

npm run update

If you want to live on the edge and use a version that's in development, you can switch to the develop branch by running the following:

npm run update:dev


If you're running the bot in a production environment, it's not recommended to use the develop branch as bugs or broken features may be present.