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Installing git

The perferred way of downloading ChadMusic is by cloning the bot's repository to a directory anywhere on your system. By cloning the bot, you'll be able to update the bot when any new updates become available. For this case, you will need to install git to the system you'll be running the bot on.


You can download the latest version of git below.

Download git


If you have Chocolatey installed, git can be installed this way.

choco install git


If you have Scoop installed, git is available in the main bucket.

scoop install git


You can install git from either Homebrew or from MacPorts.

# Homebrew
brew install git
# MacPorts
sudo port install git



git is available in Ubuntu's repositories.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git


git is available in Debian's repositories.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git


git is available in Fedora's repositories.

sudo dnf update
sudo dnf install git