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Getting Started

To host your own instance of ChadMusic, please follow the instructions section-by-section to get your own copy of the bot up and running.

For Linux users

This guide assumes that you plan to host the bot on a Debian/Ubuntu based distribution or Fedora. The bot will work on any ditribution of your choosing. If you plan to use a different distribution, replace certain commands with the ones that your distribution uses.

Inviting my bot

As an alternative to self-hosting your own instance, you can try out ChadMusic for yourself by inviting my own personal bot to give it a spin.

Invite the bot

Understand though that my bot is considered "semi-public".

  • The bot is limited to 50 servers. It's under a first come, first serve basis.
  • The bot may leave at anytime for any reason.
  • It preiodically runs an in development build of ChadMusic.

If you don't wan't to add the bot to your server, you can try out the bot on the support server instead.

Support Server