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These are all of the commands available to the bot, including their aliases and corresponding slash commands.


  • Commands are formatted as [p]prefix | [p]alias | /slash command <arguments>
  • [p] is your bot's prefix.
  • Arguments surrounded in <> are required.
  • Arguments surrounded in [] are optional.
  • Argument surrounded in quotation marks (e.g. <"name">) must use quotation marks! This only applies to prefix commands, not slash commands


Commands related to core functionality of the bot.

[p]about | /core about

Displays information about the bot.

[p]eval | /core owner eval <code>

🚫 Bot owner only

Executes Javascript code.

Arguments Type Description
<code> string The code to execute.

The following variables will always be available when running the command:

  • Discord - discord.js
  • player - Active player in the server, if any.
  • queue - Queue of active player, if any.
  • message - Message object (Prefix command only.)
  • ctx - Command context (Slash command only.)
  • _ - lodash
  • prettyBytes - pretty-bytes
  • prettyMs - prettyMs
  • colonNotation - colon-notation
  • commonTags - common-tags
  • Genius - genius-lyrics

With great power comes great responsibility!

Eval can be dangerous if used improperly! The command is disabled by default, but you can enable it through the bot's environment variables by setting USE_EVAL to true. Do not enable this command unless you know exactly what you're doing. If someone is telling you to enable the eval command to run a script, this will most likely compromise the security of your Discord bot!

[p]help [command]

ℹ Prefix command only

Displays available commands and how to use them.

Arguments Type Description
[command] string The command you want to know more about. Shows you how to use its syntax and what permissions it requires.

[p]license | /core license

View this program\'s license.

[p]ping | /core ping

Shows the bot\'s latency.

[p]reload | /core owner reload [reload_slash]

🚫 Bot owner only

Reloads all of the bot's commands and listeners.

Arguments Type Description
[reload_slash] boolean Whether to reload the application's slash commands. Either true or false. Default is false.

[p]setavatar | /core owner setavatar <image> [url]

🚫 Bot owner only

Changes the bot's avatar. If no arguments are provided, removes the avatar.

Arguments Type Description
<image> Attachment The attached image to use for the avatar. Supports GIF, JPEG, or PNG formats.
[url] string The URL of an image to use for the avatar. Supports GIF, JPEG, or PNG formats.

[p]setbanner | /core owner setbanner <image> [url]

🚫 Bot owner only

Changes the bot's profile banner. If no arguments are provided, removes the banner.

Arguments Type Description
<image> Attachment The attached image to use for the banner. Supports GIF, JPEG, or PNG formats.
[url] string The URL of an image to use for the avatar. Supports GIF, JPEG, or PNG formats.

[p]setgame | /core owner setgame [type] <status>

🚫 Bot owner only

Changes the bot's playing status.

Available types are playing, watching, listening, custom, and competing.

Arguments Type Description
[type] string The type of status to set. Default is custom.
<status> string The overall status for the bot to use.

[p]shutdown | /core owner shutdown [reason]

🚫 Bot owner only

Shuts down the bot.

Arguments Type Description
[reason] string The reason for shutting down the bot.

[p]sudo | /core owner sudo

🚫 Bot owner only

Grants or denies the bot owner DJ permissions in the given server.


Sudo access is per server, not globally. Sudo is also disabled by default and resets everytime the bot restarts.


Commands to add or remove filters from the player. The commands in this category will only be available to DJs if Allow Filters is off.

[p]bassboost | [p]bass | /filter bassboost <gain>

Boosts the bass of the player.

Arguments Type Description
<gain> float The gain of the bass boost. Must be between 0.01-100 or off.

[p]crusher | /filter crusher <sample> [bits] [mode]

Crushes the audio without changing the bit depth. Makes it sound more harsh and "digital".

Arguments Type Description
<sample> number The sample reduction. Must be between 1-250 or off.
[bits] number The bit reduction. Must be between 1-64. Default is 8.
[mode] string Changes logarithmic mode to either linear (lin) or logarithmic (log). Default is lin.

[p]crystalize | /filter crystalize <intensity>

Sharpens or softens the audio quality.

Arguments Type Description
<intensity> float The intensity of the effect. Must be between -10 to 10 or off.

[p]customfilter | [p]cf | /filter customfilter <argument>

🚫 Bot owner only

Adds a custom FFMPEG filter to the player.

Arguments Type Description
<argument> string The filter argument to provide to FFMPEG.


If the argument is invalid or not supported by FFMPEG, the stream will prematurely end.

/filter remove <filter>

ℹ Slash command only

Remove some or all filters active on the player.

Arguments Type Description
<filter> string The filter to remove from the player.

[p]filteroff | [p]foff | /filter remove filter:"all"

Removes all filters from the player.

[p]pitch | /filter pitch <rate>

Changes the pitch of the playing track.

Arguments Type Description
<rate> float The rate to change. Must be between 0.1-10 or off.

[p]pulsator | /filter pulsator <frequency>

Adds a pulsating effect to the audio.

Arguments Type Description
<frequency> float The frequency of the effect in Hz. Must be between 0.01-100 or off.

[p]reverse | /filter reverse

Plays the track in reverse. Disables if reverse is already enabled.

[p]tempo | /filter tempo <rate>

Changes the tempo of the playing track.

Arguments Type Description
<rate> float The rate to change. Must be between 0.1-10 or off.

[p]tremolo | /filter tremolo <depth> [frequency]

Adds a tremolo effect to the player.

Arguments Type Description
<depth> float The depth of the tremolo. Must be between 0.1-1 or off.
[frequency] float The frequency of the tremolo. Minimum value is 0.1.

[p]vibrato | /filter vibrato <depth> [frequency]

Adds a vibrato effect to the player.

Arguments Type Description
<depth> float The depth of the tremolo. Must be between 0.1-1 or off.
[frequency] float The frequency of the tremolo. Minimum value is 0.1.


The main commands of the audio player.

Message > Apps > Add to queue

ℹ Message Context Menu only. Learn More

Adds a track to the queue by using the message's content as a search query.


This command requires the Message Content privileged intent to work.

[p]bindchannel | [p]bindto | /player bindchannel [channel]

🎵 Requires DJ permissions

Changes the player's currently binded text channel to a different one.

Arguments Type Description
[channel] Text Channel The new text channel to bind to. Also supports text-in-voice channels, forum channels, and threads. If nothing was provided or the channel is invalid, binds to the text channel that the command was used in.
### [p]clearqueue [p]clear /queue clear
🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Clears the player's queue for this server.

[p]disconnect | [p]leave | /player leave

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Disconnects from the current voice channel.

[p]earrape | /player earrape

Changes the volume of the player to 69420%. The ratio that no man can withstand.


This command is only usable while Free Volume is enabled.


Hearing loss or damage to your equipment can occur if the player's volume is set above 200%!

[p]forceskip | [p]fs | /skip force

🎵 Requires DJ permissions

Force skips the currently playing song, bypassing votes.

[p]grab | [p]yoink | /player grab


This command can be used by everyone while DJ Mode is active.

Saves the currently playing track to your DMs.

[p]iheartradio | [p]ihr | /play radio iheartradio <station>

Play a iHeartRadio station.

Arguments Type Description
<search> string The station to search for. The first result is queued.

[p]lyrics | /player lyrics [query]

Retrieves lyrics from the playing track or from search query.

Arguments Type Description
[query] string The search query to find lyrics. If nothing is provided, uses the currently playing track.


This command can be used without the player being active.

[p]move | /queue move <track> [position]

Moves a track in the queue to a new position.

Arguments Type Description
<track> number The track to move
[position] number The new position in the queue. If omitted, moves the selection to the first position in the queue.

[p]nowplaying | [p]np | /player nowplaying

Shows the currently playing track.

[p]pause | /player pause

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Pauses the player.

[p]play | [p]p | /play track | /play attachment <url/search/attachment>

Adds a track to the queue from a URL, search query, or an attachment.

Arguments Type Description
<url/search/attachment> string or Attachment The URL, search query, or attachment to load. Only audio and video attachments are supported.

[p]playnow | [p]np | /play now <url/search/attachment>

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Adds a track to the queue and skips the currently playing track, if there was a track playing.

Arguments Type Description
<url/search/attachment> string or Attachment The URL, search query, or attachment to load. Only audio and video attachments are supported.

/play playlist <name>

ℹ Slash command only

Plays a custom playlist.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name of the playlist to play.


If you want to play an online playlist, consider using /play track or [p]play instead. This command is used to load server playlists.

/play silently <query>

ℹ Slash command only

Plays a track silently. It will not be sent in chat, and will be hidden from others in the queue.

Arguments Type Description
<query> string The track to silently play.


This command is only available to DJs if Allow Silent Tracks is off.

[p]queue | [p]q | /queue now [show_hidden]

View the queue for this server.

Arguments Type Description
[show_hidden] string (Slash command only) Reveals silently added tracks. You can reveal your tracks, or show all hidden tracks.

Showing all tracks.

This argument to view all hidden tracks can only be used by DJs.

[p]remove | /queue remove <queue_entry/start> [end]

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Removes an entry or multiple entries from the queue.

Arguments Type Description
<queue_entry/start> number The queue entry to remove from the queue, or the starting position.
[end] number The end position for removing multiple entries. Every entry from the starting to end position will be removed from the queue.

[p]repeat | [p]loop | /player repeat [mode]

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Toggles repeat mode for the player.

Arguments Type Description
[mode] string The mode to apply for repeat mode. Valid options are off, song, or queue. Default is song.

[p]resume | /player resume

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Unpauses the player, resuming playback.

[p]reversequeue | [p]rq | /queue reverse

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Reverses the order of the queue.

[p]search | /search <query>

Searches for a track to play.

Arguments Type Description
<query> string The query to search for.

[p]seek | /player seek <time>

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Sets the playing time of the track to a new position.

Arguments Type Description
<time> number or Notation The time of the track to seek to in colon notation or in milliseconds.

[p]shuffle | /queue shuffle

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Randomizes the entries in the queue.

[p]skip | [p]s | /skip track

Skips the currently playing song, or vote to skip the track if the voice channel has more than 3 people. The track will skip if the required number of votes has been reached.


If you have the Manage Server permission, you can change how the number of votes are calculated by using /settings votepercentage or [p]votepercentage.

[p]skipto | [p]jump | /skip jump <queue_entry>

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Skips to the specified entry in the queue.

Arguments Type Description
<queue_entry> number The number of the queue entry to skip to. Skips all other entries of the queue.

[p]startover | [p]restart | /player startover

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Restarts the currently playing song.


If the currently playing track is a live stream, this command can be used to refresh the live stream instead.

[p]stop | /player stop

🎶 DJ permissions required with 2 or more people.

Destroys the player.

[p]summon | [p]join | /player join

Summons the bot to a voice channel.

[p]volume | [p]vol | /player volume view/set [number]

Views or changes the volume of the player.

Arguments Type Description
[number] number The percentage of the new volume to set. If nothing is provided, shows the current volume of the player. This argument is required when using /player volume set.


If Free Volume is disabled, the maximum value allowed is 200%.


Hearing loss or damage to your equipment can occur if the player's volume is set above 200%!


Commands used to manage playlists on a server. All commands in this category require DJ permissions.

[p]playlist-add | [p]pladd | /playlist add <"name"> [track]

Adds a track to a playlist.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name of the playlist to add tracks to.
[track] URL A track to add to the playlist. If nothing was provided and a player is currently playing a track, adds the currently playing track to the playlist.


To add tracks, you must be the user that created the playlist, unless you have the Administrator permission.

[p]playlist-clone | [p]plclone | /playlist clone <"name"> ["clone_name"]

Creates a playlist by cloning an existing one.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name of the playlist to clone
[clone_name] string The name to give to the cloned playlist. If nothing was provided, affixes "- Copy" to the original name.

[p]playlist-delete | [p]pldelete | /playlist delete <name>

Deletes a playlist.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name of the playlist to delete.


To delete a playlist, you must be the user that created the playlist, unless you have the Administrator permission.

[p]playlist-new | [p]plnew | /playlist new <name>

Creates a new playlist.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name to give to the new playlist.

[p]playlist-purge | [p]plpurge | /playlist purge

❌ Administrators only

Deletes all playlists on the server.

[p]playlist-remove | [p]plremove | /playlist remove <"name"> <index_or_start> [end]

Removes a track or multiple tracks from a playlist.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name of the playlist to remove tracks.
<index_or_start> number The track or the starting position to remove multiple tracks from the playlist.
[end] number The ending position to remove multiple tracks.


To remove tracks, you must be the user that created the playlist, unless you have the Administrator permission.

[p]playlist-show | [p]plshow | /playlist show

Lists all playlists on the server.

[p]playlist-view | [p]plview | /playlist view <name>

List all tracks in a playlist.

Arguments Type Description
<name> string The name of the playlist to view.


Commands to change the bot's settings. All commands in this category require the Manage Server permission unless otherwise specified.

[p]allowexplicit | /settings allowexplicit <toggle>

Toggles the ability to allow age restricted content in the queue.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.


This setting only applies to tracks that are marked as explicit. All pornographic websites are blocked regardless if this setting is on or not.

Regarding tracks from YouTube.

If a cookie wasn't provided in cookies.json, you'll still be able to use this command. The player won't be able to play any track that's marked explicit without a valid cookie that allows access to age restricted content.

[p]allowfilters | /settings allowfilters <toggle>

Toggles the ability to allow members to apply filters to the player.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

Toggles the ability to add songs to the queue from a URL.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]allowsilenttracks | /settings allowsilenttracks <toggle>

Toggles the ability to silently add tracks to the queue.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]allowyoutube | /settings global allowyoutube <toggle>

🚫 Bot owner only

Toggles the ability to allow tracks from YouTube to be added to the player.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]blocksong add/remove/list | /settings blocksong add/remove/list <phrase>

Manages the server's list of blocked search phrases.

Subcommand Description
add Adds a phrase to the list.
remove Removes a phrase from the list.
list View the current list for the server.
Arguments Type Description
<phrase> string The phrase to add or remove from the list.

[p]defaultvolume | /settings defaultvolume <volume>

Changes the bot's default volume when creating a player, or when disabling Earrape.

Arguments Type Description
<volume> number The new default volume for the server. Must be between 1 to 200. Default is 100.

[p]djmode | /settings djmode <toggle>


DJs can use this command.

Toggles DJ Mode for the server.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is off.

[p]emptycooldown | /settings emptycooldown <time>

Sets how long the bots stays in an empty voice channel.

Arguments Type Description
<time> number The time the bot will stay in seconds.


This settings only works if Leave on Empty is on.

[p]freevolume | /settings unlimitedvolume <toggle>

Toggles the ability to change the volume past 200%.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]globalsettings | /settings global current

🚫 Bot owner only

Shows the bot's current global settings.

[p]leaveonempty | /settings leaveonempty <toggle>

Toggles whether the bot should leave when the voice channel is empty for a period of time.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.


When this is active, the bot will leave depending on how long Empty Cooldown is set.

[p]leaveonfinish | /settings leaveonfinish <toggle>

Toggles whether the bot should leave when the end of the queue has been reached.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]leaveonstop | /settings leaveonstop <toggle>

Toggles whether the bot should leave when the player is stopped.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]maxtime | /settings maxtime <duration>

Restrict members from adding tracks to the queue that exceed the duration set.

Arguments Type Description
<duration> Notation The max duration of the track to limit. Members will be unable to add any tracks to the queue that go past this limit. Default is 0. Set to 0 or none to disable.

[p]prefix | /settings prefix [new_prefix]

Changes the bot's prefix for this server.

Arguments Type Description
[new_prefix] string The new prefix you want to use. If none was provided, resets the prefix to defaults.


This setting will only affect message based commands, not slash commands. The default prefix defined in the bot's configuration in addition to the bot's mention will always be available.


ℹ Prefix command only ❌ Administrators only

Resets the bot's settings for the server to its default settings.

/settings remove <setting>

ℹ Slash command only

Revert a setting to its default value.

Arguments Type Description
<setting> string The setting you would like to revert.

[p]setdj | /setting djrole [role]

Sets the DJ role for the server.

Arguments Type Description
[role] Role The role you would like to set. Can be the name, the ID, or a mention of the role. If none was provided, removes the DJ role.

[p]setqueuelimits | /settings setqueuelimts <number>

Limits the number of entries that members can add to the queue.

Arguments Type Description
<number> number The numbers of entries to limit for members.

[p]settings | /settings current

Displays the bot's current settings for the server.

[p]shownewsongonly | /settings global shownewsongonly <toggle>

🚫 Bot owner only

Toggles whether the Now Playing alerts are shown for new songs only.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> string or boolean Toggles the setting. Either on or off. Default is on.

[p]songvcstatus | /settings songvcstatus <toggle>

Toggles whether the bot will set the playing track's title as a status for the voice channel.

Arguments Type Description
<toggle> boolean The toggle of the setting.


This feature uses an undocumented endpoint in Discord's API and may change at anytime.

[p]streamtype | /settings global streamtype <encoder>

🚫 Bot owner only

Selects which audio encoder the bot should use during streams.

Arguments Type Description
<encoder> string The audio encoder to use.
Encoder Description
opus Uses the Opus encoder. Better quality, uses more resources.
raw Uses a RAW encoder. Better performance, uses less resources.

[p]textchannel | /settings textchannel [channel]

Sets the text channel to use for music commands.

Arguments Type Description
[channel] Text/Voice Channel The text or voice channel to apply. Can be the channel's mention or the channel's ID. If none is provided, all channels will be available.

[p]thumbnailsize | /settings thumbnailsize <size>

Changes the track's thumbnail size of the player's "Now Playing" embeds.

Arguments Type Description
<size> string The size of the track's image. Either small or large. Default is small.

[p]votepercentage | /settings votepercentage <percentage>

Changes the vote-skip percentage requirement for placing votes to skip a track.

Arguments Type Description
<percentage> float The percentage to set. Set to 0 to disable, or 100 to require everyone to vote. Default is 50.